[167th Newsletter] Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Democratic Party's Supreme Council meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 116
  • 게시일 : 2019-05-09 14:08:02

May 8, 2019. Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Party’s Supreme Council Meeting

LKP’s Outdoor Rally Will Backfire



□  Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


Yesterday, the April plenary session of the National Assembly closed although the session was never held. Unfortunately, a mountain of work awaits the new floor leader, who will be elected soon. The new leader’s first task will be to bring the floor leader of the Liberty Korea Party to the negotiating table. When watching the evening news on the Liberty Korea Party planning for nation-wide outdoor rallies, I felt pity for the main opposition party. In fact, outdoor protests have worked fairly well in the past as a means of protest when opposition parties hadn’t access to media to express their opinions. However, at present the LKP’s decision to stage outdoor rallies in protest is likely to backfire, particularly after the entire nation witnessed members of the main opposition LKP engaging in violent activities at the National Assembly. There are numerous pending issues for the National Assembly to contend with, ranging from the wildfire in Gangwon Province, the earthquake in Pohang, and a revision of a supplementary budget, to African swine fever. As such, I urge the main opposition party to return to the National Assembly as soon as possible, thereby handling key bills on these pressing issues.


Today is “Parents’ Day,” and the month of May is known as “Family Month.” The ruling party DPK will exert the utmost effort to ensure that Korea is a nation where all family members can feel happy by securing a basic livelihood tailored to different life stages. We will commit ourselves to making Korea an inclusive nation where the well-being of all Koreans matters and all Koreans can live together for the best.




"한국당 장외투쟁, 역풍 맞을 것"


이해찬 당대표



어제 4 월 국회가 본회의 한번 열리지 못하고 종료됐다 . 안타깝게 새 원내대표가 선출되자마자 해야 할 일이 산적해 있다 . 한국당 원내대표를 테이블로 모셔오는 것이 첫 일정이 될 것 같다 . 자유한국당은 전국을 돌며 장외투쟁에 돌입한다고 하는데 , 뉴스를 보니까 좀 안됐다는 생각이 든다 . 장외투쟁이 과거에는 언로가 막힌 야당의 저항수단으로 어느 정도 효과가 있었지만 , 이번처럼 제 1 야당이 일으킨 폭력사태를 전 국민이 지켜본 상황에서는 길어질수록 역풍을 맞을 거라 예상된다 . 강원산불 , 포항지진 , 미세먼지 추경처리와 아프리카돼지열병 등 현안이 산적해 있다 . 조속히 국회정상화에 협력해줄 것을 촉구한다 .


오늘은 어버이날이다 . 5 월은 가정의 달이다 . 민주당은 생애주기별 기본생활보장으로 온가족이 행복한 나라를 만들어나가도록 하겠다 . 모든 가정이 행복한 대한민국 , 더불어 잘사는 포용국가를 만드는데 매진하겠다 .




더불어민주당 국제국