[171st Newsletter] Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Democratic Party's Supreme Council meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 122
  • 게시일 : 2019-05-23 17:11:06

May 22, 2019. Excerpt from Opening Statement of the Party’s Supreme Council Meeting

“LKP Chairman Hwang Kyo-ahn’s Strong Words are No Solution and Should Stop”



Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPK


Yesterday the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) forecast that international trade will shrink to 2.1 percent this year, down from 3.9 percent last year. Overall, the world economy has entered a slowdown. The OECD also revised its forecast for Korea’s economic growth to 2.4 percent, down from its previous 2.6 percent estimate. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recommended that the South Korean government should stick to an expansionary fiscal policy. If additional fiscal support programs are adopted and the budget for 2020 is implemented, the economy is likely to make a turn around. Although the IMF advised Korea to push head with a supplementary budget worth 9 trillion won, the government has submitted a 6.7-trillion won extra budget bill to the National Assembly. I am sincerely asking the floor leaders of the ruling and opposition parties to make the utmost efforts to bring the National Assembly back to normal, thus allowing proceedings for the supplementary budget bill to be passed and implemented as soon as possible.


Yesterday, an enforcement ordinance for the revised Securities Transaction Tax Act to lower the stock trade tax was passed at the Cabinet meeting. It is the first time for the government to revise the existing stock trade taxation system. Last January, I collected opinions at a meeting of the Korea Financial Investment Association, and after discussions, the government decided to cut the securities transaction tax for the first time in 23 years, which is likely to ease the burdens of investment institutions in Korea.


I would like to say something to Hwang Kyo-ahn, chairman of the Liberty Party of South Korea. Although I have asked him several times to stop making aggressive comments, the Chairman of the LPK has continued to do so outside the National Assembly. Frankly speaking, it is understandable for the chairman to have no choice but to commit himself to activities outside the National Assembly since he is not a member. Even so, I do not think that the head of the leading opposition party talking in such a manner is a solution. I am humbly asking Chairman Hwang again to stop with such talk since these strong words from the former prime minister and acting president of the former administration have made many Koreans concerned. 




  "황교안, 강경 발언 능사 아냐...말씀 삼가할 것은 삼가야



이해찬 당대표


어제 OECD 에는 세계 교역이 작년 3.9%에서 올해 2.1%로 위축될 것이라는 전망을 내놨다 . 전체적으로 세계경제가 하강기에 들어가고 있다 . 우리나라 성장률도 2.6%에서 2.4%OECD 에서는 전망을 낮췄다 . IMF 는 한국에 대해 재정정책을 확장적으로 운영하도록 권고를 하고 있다 . 아마 올해 확장정책을 써서 내년 예산을 편성하면 내년에는 성장세가 회복될 것으로 전망한다 . 이번 추경안도 IMF 9 조 정도 편성하라고 했는데 , 현재 정부는 6 7 천억 정도를 국회에 제출했다 . 국회가 빨리 정상화되어서 추경 예산이 통과되고 집행될 수 있도록 원내대표단에서 적극적으로 노력해주시기를 바란다 .


어제 국무회의에서 증권거래세를 인하하는 증권거래세법 개정안 시행령을 의결했다 . 그동안 증권거래에 대해 전혀 손을 보지 않았었는데 처음으로 증권거래세를 인하하는 절차를 밟았다 . 지난 1 월에 제가 금융투자협회 간담회에서 의견을 수렴해 정부와 논의해서 처음으로 23 년 만에 증권거래세를 인하해서 투자하는 기관들의 부담을 줄여주는 효과를 가져 올 것 같다 .


황교안 대표에게 한마디만 말씀드리겠다 . 제가 여러 차례 말씀드렸는데 원외를 다니시면서 여러 가지 강경발언을 많이 하시는데 , 그러지 않았으면 좋겠다 . 솔직히 말씀드려서 원내가 아니니까 원외를 다니시는 것은 이해하겠지만 , 그래도 제 1 야당 대표로서 강경발언이 능사는 아니라고 생각한다 . 말씀을 삼가실 것은 삼가시고 , 더군다나 국무총리 , 대통령 대행까지 지낸 분이 우리 국민들이 걱정스러워 하는 발언은 어제까지만 하시고 내일부터는 안 하셨으면 좋겠다 .



더불어민주당 국제국