[178th Newsletter] Excerpt from the 114th Executive Council Meeting

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 113
  • 게시일 : 2019-06-18 16:14:38


“U-20 Men’s National Football Team that gave Korea its best ever FIFA Performance

in a men’s tournament made us hope someday Korea will win the FIFA World Cup”


June 17, 2019 (Mon.)

Lee Hae-chan, Chairman of the DPL



South Korea’s Under-20 men’s national football team reached the 2nd place in the U-20 World Cup finals that were held on June 16 and Korea’s starlet Lee Gang-in won theGolden Ballas the best player of the FIFA U-20 World Cup in Poland. The young athletes’ brilliant feat has made me anticipate that Korea will win the World Cup someday. I hope the day will come soon.


President Moon Jae-in returned to home from a week-long trip to three Nordic countries. During his visit, the President has made two key speeches at the Oslo Forum in Norway and Stockholm in Sweden, stressing dialogue and mutual trust to achieve peace for the people and establish peace on the Korean Peninsula. Particularly, I think in his speech at the Swedish Parliament, President Moon’s placing a great importance on Sweden’s example of contributing to global peace is of considerable significance. Although succeeded in developing nuclear technology in the 1960s, Sweden decided not to possess nuclear weapons and played a pivotal role in arms reduction and the establishment of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, thus greatly contributing to world peace. President Moon also emphasized the importance of dialogue between our two Koreas and U.S. President Donald Trump also reaffirmed his willingness to resume talks with North Korea. I hope the two leaders’ gestures will serve as a catalyst to bring the parties to the negotiation table.


We can no longer stand the Liberty Korea Party that has violated the National Assembly Act and National Assembly Advancement Act, a bill which was created by the LKP itself, paralyzing the National Assembly. Hence, the ruling and opposition parties are going to hold a general meeting today to reach an agreement to resolve the current parliamentary deadlock.






 역대 최고성적 낸 U-20 대표팀, 월드컵서 우승하는 날 기대


일시 : 2019 6 17() 오전 9 30  

이해찬 대표



어제 치러진 20세 이하 월드컵 결승전에서 우리 대한민국 선수단이 준우승을 차지하고 이강인 선수가 골든볼을 수상했다. 선수들이 앞으로도 더 기량을 성숙시켜서 월드컵에서 우승하는 날이 빨리 다가오기를 기대하겠다.


어제 대통령께서 북유럽 3국 순방을 마치고 귀국하셨다. 대통령께서는 오슬로 구상스톡홀름 제안을 통해 국민을 위한 평화, 평화구축을 위한 대화와 신뢰의 중요성을 강조했다. 특히 스웨덴 의회 연설에서 1960년대 핵기술을 완성한 스웨덴이 군축과 핵무기 확산 금지 조약을 주도하여 평화를 달성한 역사적 사례를 강조한 점이 큰 시사점을 남겼다고 생각한다. 문재인 대통령께서는 남북 대화를 강조하셨고, 트럼프 대통령 역시 대화의지를 밝혔다. 이것이 공개적인 회담으로 발전해 가기를 기대하겠다.


특별한 이유도 없이, 국회법, 선진화법을 본인들이 어겨놓고 국회를 방치하는 것을 더 이상 우리는 받아들일 수 없다. 오늘 오후 의원총회를 통해 우리의 결의를 다지고 국회를 정상화하도록 하겠다.






더불어민주당 국제국