[189th Newsletter] Excerpt from the On-site Executive Council Meeting on the Machine Tool Industry’s Global Competitiveness

  • 게시자 : 더불어민주당
  • 조회수 : 101
  • 게시일 : 2019-08-30 10:33:59


□ August 28, 2019 (Wed.) 

□ Venue: Artium Hall, Samchully Machinery

□ Lee Hae-Chan, Chairman of the DPK


Today we arranged an on-site executive council meeting to discuss ways to strengthen the competitiveness of Korea’s machinery industry. Founded in 1975, Samchully Machinery has made its way into becoming one of the top-ranking companies in Korea for the development and manufacturing of precision machine tools. I would like to express my appreciation for all the effort and struggle made by the company to become what it is today.   

The removal of South Korea from Japan’s whitelist of preferred trading partners came into effect today. Accordingly, I am concerned that such a measure by Japan might greatly affect the machine tool industry of Korea, which has had a heavy dependence on Japan. I would like to ask those involved in this industry to clearly communicate all current developments. Taking into consideration the significance of machinery as a national backbone industry, the government and the ruling DPK will fully support the machine tool industry by completely revising the Parts and Materials Act, financing the employment of quality human resources, and allocating a relevant budget. 


Even though the General Security of Military Information Agreement will come to an end, the US-South Korea alliance and subsequent security regimes will not be threatened. At this point the Japanese government has been reluctant to take any diplomatic efforts to resolve the bilateral conflict with the South Korean government. Since we are committed to strengthening the bilateral alliance with the US and continuing our efforts to involve Japan in diplomatic dialogue, the Korean public’s concerns over national security will dissipate.  



□ 일시 :  2019년 8월 28일(수) 오전 10시

□ 장소 : 삼천리기계 3층 아티움홀

■ 이해찬 대표


오늘 현장최고위원회의는 기계 산업 경쟁력을 살피기 위해 자리를 만들었다. 삼천리기계는 1975년 창립 이래 정밀 공작기계 개발과 생산에서 손꼽히는 우량기업이다. 그간의 노고에 감사의 말씀을 드린다. 


오늘부터 일본 정부가 화이트리스트 배제를 시행한다. 이에 따라 특히 일본 의존도가 높은 공작기계 산업이 영향을 받을까 걱정이 된다. 상황이 어떠한지 현장의 목소리를 가감 없이 말씀해주기 바란다. 공작기계 산업은 국가기간산업인 만큼 부품소재법 전면 개정, 고급인력 채용지원, 관련 예산 편성 등 당정이 적극 지원하겠다. 


지소미아가 종료 되더라도 한미동맹과 안보체제에 큰 문제는 없다. 일본이 전혀 외교적 노력을 하지 않기 때문에 우리가 의연히 한미동맹을 강화하고, 일본과의 외교적 대화를 지속적으로 추구해가면 국민들 우려를 많이 불식시킬 수 있다.



2019년 8월 30


더불어민주당 국제국